Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Salt Lake Temple

The best known Mormon Temple is the one in Salt Lake City.  It was built to be a showcase and is a beautiful building.  The Salt Lake LDS Temple is on icon of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  It is one of the first temple sketches I made and one of the hardest ones to redo on the computer.  All the angles and line lengths don't compute well, even though the eye can see them.

Here is the rendition I have.

I can print this in any size up to 36" by 48".
I will print and mail then for
8" by 11"       $5
17" by 22"     $10
36" by 48"     $25

I haven't got PayPal set up, so if you want some, email me at alice@bneff.net.

Utah Temples

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints was founded in 1830 in Palmyra, New York.  Because this church was different, not a reformation of the Catholic Church but a Restoration of the Church that Christ had established during His earthly ministry, other Christians, and rough and tumble frontiersmen were against it.  Mobs drove the Latter-Day Saints or Mormons from one place to the next.  The Prophet Joseph Smith was killed and the people moved west to a Land of Promise.  Brigham Young lead them to Salt Lake Valley and they began to gather and build safely away from all other established settlements.

One of the first things God commanded Brigham Young to do was to build a temple.  The Salt Lake Temple took 40 years to complete.  This grand building was built while the people were living in shacks and dugouts.  Everyone that was able helped is some way.  Even while the Salt Lake Temple was being built, people were asked to move way from Salt Lake City and build towns all across what are now the States of Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Arizona and Nevada.  Three Mormon Temples were completed in Utah before the huge Salt Lake Temple was finished.

The temple in Saint George was the first to be didicated in Utah.